Anti-Vibra­ti­on Mats for Indus­try and Construction

Anti-vibra­ti­on mats and pads for indus­try, machi­nery, mea­su­ring devices, com­pres­sors, coo­ling units, gene­ra­tors, pumps, buil­dings, con­s­truc­tion, rails, test beds, shakers etc.

In addi­ti­on to indus­tri­al cus­to­mers inclu­ding the phar­maceu­ti­cal indus­try, we supply our cus­to­mi­zed anti­vi­bra­ti­on solu­ti­ons also to renow­ned (tech­ni­cal) uni­ver­si­ties, labo­ra­to­ries and rese­arch institutes.

Cus­to­mi­zed anti­vi­bra­ti­on solu­ti­ons
for indus­try, machi­nery and construction

What are anti-vibra­ti­on mats?

Vibra­ti­ons can occur in many dif­fe­rent types of indus­tri­al envi­ron­ments. They often come from the various machi­nes and equip­ment found in such areas. The steady rhythm of vibra­ti­ons can be a real nui­sance to employees. Howe­ver, such vibra­ti­ons can some­ti­mes go beyond a mere nui­sance, affec­ting both the machi­nery and the floor below, as well as the health of employees. Thanks to the sound-absor­bing pro­per­ties of rubber, anti-vibra­ti­on mats can make an indus­tri­al work­place more plea­sant by absor­bing noise from vibra­ti­ons and redu­cing noise levels in the area. Anti-vibra­ti­on mats are the­r­e­fo­re very important in mini­mi­zing vibra­ti­ons from indus­tri­al machinery.

Where are indus­ri­al anti-vibra­ti­ons mats used?

Anti-vibra­ti­on mats and pads are essen­ti­al for a varie­ty of indus­tri­al and com­mer­cial appli­ca­ti­ons, inclu­ding machi­nery, com­pres­sors, coo­ling units, gene­ra­tors, pumps, and more. They are also com­mon­ly used in buil­ding and con­s­truc­tion, as well as on rails and other types of trans­por­ta­ti­on infra­struc­tu­re. These spe­cia­li­zed mats and pads are desi­gned to reduce vibra­ti­on and noise levels, impro­ving safety and com­fort for workers and redu­cing the risk of damage to equipment. 

From what mate­ri­als anti-vibra­ti­on mats and pads are made?

Anti-vibra­ti­ons mats and pass are made from dura­ble pla­s­tic and rubber mate­ri­als that can with­stand heavy loads and harsh con­di­ti­ons, making them a relia­ble choice for a wide range of appli­ca­ti­ons. Whe­ther you are loo­king to reduce vibra­ti­on and noise in a busy fac­to­ry, pro­tect sen­si­ti­ve equip­ment in a labo­ra­to­ry, or impro­ve the com­fort and safety of your work­place, anti-vibra­ti­on mats and pads can be a valuable invest­ment. Anti-vibra­ti­on mats can be used to shield / iso­la­te indus­tri­al machi­nery from direct cont­act with solid floors. Vibra­ti­ons, espe­ci­al­ly those emana­ting from heavy indus­tri­al machi­nery, can cause severe damage to both the floors of an area and the machi­nery itself from which they emana­te. Anti-vibra­ti­on mats / anti-vibra­ti­on mats can be used to pro­tect indus­tri­al floors and employees from highly vibra­ting machi­nes. Anti-vibra­ti­on mats made of rubber / elas­to­mers are ela­s­tic enough to absorb shocks and at the same time resistant enough to with­stand the stron­gest loads, e.g. those of high-speed trains built into the track body.

Anti-vibrations mats for industry
Anti-vibra­ti­on mats for indus­try and laboratories

Typi­cal appli­ca­ti­ons for vibra­ti­on dam­ping mats and pads include

Anti-vibra­ti­on mats and pads can be used in various appli­ca­ti­ons and machi­nes in indus­tries, buil­dings, and trans­por­ta­ti­on, including:

  • Agi­ta­tors
  • Air intake, for exam­p­le in baking ovens
  • Bale pres­ses
  • CNC mil­ling machines
  • Com­pres­sors
  • Crus­hers, pre-crus­hers, gra­nu­la­tors, shred­ders, and other equipment
  • Crus­hing machi­nes and gar­ba­ge pres­ses, e.g., for recycling
  • Die ham­mers
  • Dosing sta­ti­ons / dosing systems
  • Embos­sing presses
  • For­ging hammers
  • Frames for robots
  • Gene­ra­tors
  • Heavy machi­ne tools
  • Hydrau­lic equip­ment / hydrau­lic pres­ses and other hydrau­lic systems
  • Injec­tion mol­ding machines
  • Jaw crus­hers
  • Mills, inclu­ding ball mills, hammer mills, rotor mills, cut­ting mills, knife mills, mortar mills, and disc mills
  • Mixers
  • Power trans­for­mers
  • Pres­ses, stam­ping presses
  • Pumps, heat pumps, air com­pres­sors, and hydrau­lic pumps
  • Pun­ching machi­nes / punch pres­ses / auto­ma­tic punch presses
  • Pun­ching machi­nes, stam­ping pres­ses, stam­ping machines
  • Robots
  • Scree­ning machines
  • Server rooms (reduc­tion of noise from servers)
  • Sie­ving machines
  • Stain­less steel swim­ming pools (noise reduc­tion of splas­hing sounds)
  • Test ben­ches for cars, etc.
  • Trans­for­mers (resistant to trans­for­mer oil)
  • Trans­port carts / truck trailers
  • Trans­port trol­leys / truck trailers
  • Vibra­ting conveyors
  • Vibra­ting systems
  • Vibra­ti­on and noise dam­ping of rails instal­led in the track body (e.g. for high-speed trains, sub­ways, streetcars)
  • Vibra­ti­on dam­ping foun­da­ti­ons for machines
  • Wooden floors / hard­wood floors (noise reduction)

Heavy machi­nery that vibra­tes during use is abra­si­ve by nature. They are often made of hard mate­ri­als, such as steel, and can weigh up to seve­ral tons. It does­n’t help that they are often placed on equal­ly hard and unf­or­gi­ving sur­faces wit­hout padded mats for pro­tec­tion. The most common types of indus­tri­al flo­o­ring are asphalt and con­cre­te, which cannot absorb the shocks and impacts of modern machinery.